Display of boots and shoes stored for the next season

When the winter months have passed, and you're ready to pack away your trusty winter boots, do you just toss them in the closet or under the bed? If so, it's time to rethink your boot storage strategy. Properly storing your pair of boots between seasons is essential to ensure they remain in great condition for the next chilly adventure.

Not only will storing boots properly save you money in the long run, but it will also help you maintain your favorite pairs of boots and keep your winter footwear looking as fabulous as the day you got it.

So, how do you store boots after winter? In this blog post, we'll walk you through how to store boots for the next season the right way in an easy-to-follow 3-step guide so you can greet next winter with ready-to-wear, cozy, unscathed treads.

Why Store Boots During Winter?

Before we delve into the nitty-gritty of boot storage, let's address why it's important. Knowing how to store your boots or winter shoes appropriately during their off-season serves multiple purposes:

  • Preservation: Let’s be honest – high-quality boots can burn a hole in your wallet, so looking after them isn't just a smart move – it's your ticket to enjoying those beauties for years without breaking the bank every season on a new pair.
  • Prevent Damage: Storing boots incorrectly can lead to creasing, misshapen leather, or even mildew growth – something you definitely want to avoid.
  • Save Space: Proper storage allows you to make the most of your storage space, preventing clutter and helping you keep your floors clean.

Now that we understand the "why," let's get into the "how." 

How Do You Store Shoes Between Seasons?

As the seasons change, so does our footwear game. We've all been there, juggling a growing collection of shoes, trying to figure out how to stow them away until their time comes again. It's a dilemma we face with every passing season – kind of a closet Tetris we must master.

So, how should boots be stored? We're about to share the ultimate guide on how to store your boots between seasons. We've got the tips, tricks, and hacks to keep your footwear in pristine condition and save space in the process!

Step 1: Preparing Your Space

a closet with shelves filled with shoes stored for the next season

So, how do you store off-season boots, patiently waiting for their next grand entrance? By ensuring they're safely tucked away, of course! But there's more to it than just shoving them in the closet. 

And proper boot storage starts with...

Choosing an Appropriate Space

Before we dive into the actual process of how to store boots, you need to choose the right location first. An ideal shoe storage solution should be a cool, dry, and well-ventilated space. Avoid areas with extreme temperatures or high humidity, as this can lead to moisture build-up and damage your boots over time.

Clearing Your Floor Space

One common mistake people make is to throw their boots on the closet floor and forget about them. This not only takes up valuable floor space but can also lead to a jumble of boots that lose their shape. Clear your floor space and make room for organized storage.

Acquiring Boot Storage Solutions

How do you store boots long-term? The smart way. Investing in proper boot storage solutions can make your life a whole lot easier. Here are some options to consider:

  • Shoe Racks: A shoe rack is perfect for organizing pairs of boots, keeping them upright, and allowing air to circulate around them.
  • Boot Racks: If you have taller boots, look for dedicated boot racks that can accommodate their height.
  • Boot Shapers: For ankle boots or bulkier boots, boot shapers will help them maintain their shape.
  • Boot Hangers: How do you store boots to save space? Easy! To save floor space and prevent clutter, consider using boot hangers or clips to hang your boots on the wall or inside a closet.

Step 2: Cleaning Your Boots

man's hand clean suede shoes, boots with a brush on wooden background

Where do you store muddy boots? Nowhere! Your boots should never be stored dirty. Winter boots, our trusty companions through slushy streets and frosty mornings, go through a lot. Over time, that dirt, grime, and moisture become part of their character. But as the seasons change and we bid adieu to our winter wardrobe, showing a little love to our boots is a must.

Think of it as giving them a spa day before they retreat to their cozy boot cave for the summer. Proper cleaning isn't just a courtesy; it's the secret to extending their lifespan and ensuring they make a smashing comeback next winter.

So, let's roll up our sleeves and get those boots ready for their well-deserved beauty rest!

Wiping Off Excess Moisture and Dirt

Start by giving your boots a thorough wipe-down. Use a damp cloth to gently remove any dirt or moisture on the surface to prevent it from seeping into the material and causing problems later on.

Cleaning Leather Shoes and Boots

Leather is exquisitely sensitive to its surroundings. So, if you own leather boots, it's crucial to clean them properly to maintain their quality and avoid damage. Here's how:

  • Use a Soft Brush: Brush off dirt and dust with a soft brush. This prevents abrasion during the cleaning process.
  • Wipe with a Damp Cloth: Use a damp cloth to gently wipe down the surface of your boots. Make sure not to oversaturate the leather.
  • Allow to Dry Naturally: After cleaning, let your boots air dry at room temperature. Avoid direct heat sources, as they can dry out and damage the leather.
  • Polish and Condition: Finish with a leather conditioner or polish to keep the leather soft and supple. This step will help maintain the integrity of your boots, ensuring they're in top shape when the next winter season rolls around.

Step 3: Storing Your Boots Properly

Once your boots are clean, dry, and shiny as the day you got them (as much as they can be considering the wear and tear), it's time to store them properly to ensure they emerge from hibernation looking their best.

So, what is the best way to store boots? There are actually a few. Let's break them down.

Organizing Pairs of Boots in a Shoe Rack or Boot Rack

For regular and mid-calf boots, using a shoe rack or a boot rack is the ideal solution. Position your boots with their soles flat on the rack, ensuring they stand upright. This helps maintain their shape, prevents creases, and allows air to circulate around them.

Utilizing Boot Trees for Tall Boots or Knee Highs

Tall boots, such as knee boots, tend to slouch or crease if not stored correctly. To avoid this, you can use shoe trees, rolled-up magazines, or cardboard to help them maintain their form (just make sure to avoid acid-free paper!). Insert the shoe trees inside each boot to keep them upright and in perfect condition.

If you're willing to invest a few bucks, you can certainly treat your boots to a little luxury – a boot shaper to do all the legwork!

Using Boot Clips to Hang Ankle Boots on the Wall or Door

How do you store winter boots in a small space? Here's another trick – for ankle boots, consider using boot clips or hangers to hang them on the wall or the back of a door. This not only saves floor space but also prevents your ankle boots from getting buried under piles of other shoes.

Storing in Original Shoe Boxes (Optional)

pair of new brown leather woman's boots in original opened box

Wondering: "Should I keep my boots in the box?" Why not! If you have the original shoe boxes for your boots and enough space, you can use them for storage to protect your footwear from dust and damage. Just remember to place tissue paper or other materials we've mentioned inside to maintain their shape and absorb any excess moisture.

Is it better to keep shoes in boxes or out? It's just a matter of personal preference and practicality. You can consider a hybrid approach by using boxes for some shoes and open storage for others based on your needs and available space. Ultimately, the key is to ensure your boots are clean and protected however you choose to store them. 

Shoe Bags for Boot Storage

Now, let's add one more valuable tool to your boot storage arsenal: shoe bags. Shoe bags are versatile and convenient storage solutions that can work wonders. They offer protection from dust, moisture, and potential scuffs while keeping your boots easily accessible.

For each pair of boots, slip them into individual shoe bags, ensuring they're clean and dry before doing so. Once your boots are snug in their bags, you can arrange them neatly on a shelf or inside your closet. This method not only safeguards your boots but also makes it a breeze to find the right pair when you're ready to rock them again.

So, What Is the Best Way to Store Boots?

When it comes to boot storage, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. The choice between using shoe bags, boxes, open storage, or any of the other aforementioned storage solutions ultimately depends on your preferences, space availability, and the type of boots you're storing.

It's about finding what works best for you and your boot collection. Whatever you opt for the key is to ensure your boots are clean, protected, and ready to step out in style when the next season rolls around.

Don't Let Your Boots Down: Store Them Right for Next Season

Properly storing your boots between seasons is a small effort that goes a long way in preserving your favorite pairs, saving space, and preventing damage. It's a win-win! With the guide we've provided, you can ensure your boots remain in excellent condition, ready to keep your feet cozy and warm during the next winter season. Do them justice!

And if you're on the lookout for high-quality boots that last, don't forget to check out Overlook Boots collections. We've got a wide selection of premium boot brands and styles built to withstand the harshest of conditions. 

Whatever you do, take good care of your boots, and they'll take care of you. 

Any More Questions on How to Store Boots? We've Got You

Here's a quick FAQ.

Is It OK to Store Leather Shoes in Plastic Containers?

Yes, it's generally okay to store leather shoes in plastic containers as long as the shoes are clean and dry before you pack them away. Just ensure there's no trapped moisture inside the container, and consider using acid-free tissue paper to prevent any potential damage to the leather.

Why Should Boots Be Stored in a Cool Dark Place?

Storing boots in a cool, dark place helps prevent damage from direct sunlight, which can fade and dry out leather or cause materials to deteriorate. It also maintains a stable environment, reducing the risk of moisture or temperature-related issues that can harm your beloved boots.

How Do You Store Boots So They Don't Get Dusty?

To keep boots dust-free, use breathable storage solutions like fabric shoe bags, shoe racks, or open shelving. Regular cleaning and wiping of your boots before storage can also reduce dust buildup, ensuring they're ready to wear next season.

Why Are Boots Stored Upside Down?

Storing boots upside down helps them maintain their shape and prevents creasing, especially in tall boots. Boot trees or rolled-up magazines can also be placed inside to support the boot's structure. This method ensures your boots look impeccable when you're ready to wear them again.